Digital Navigators working a tablet device at an event Digital Navigators working a tablet device at an event

Maintaining the Highest Levels of Service We Can for the Residents of Charlotte

The work that the CDE does hinges on our reputation and the reputation of the partners we work with. If residents have a positive experience, they are more likely to tell others, and our job of communicating opportunities is that much easier.

If community members are not being adequately served, we want to know that, too, so we can make improvements going forward.

This is why the digital navigation OKR for achieving a high level of service is at the crux of much we do at the CDE. We continue to find ways to measure the quality of service and ensure that we serve those who need our service the most. That includes the following:

Getting a sense of demand through a more centralized system

By creating a more centralized service (leveraging the Digital Navigator service to take in and process digital resources requests in collaboration with other organizations), we have been able to establish “central demand” for things like no-cost (or low-cost) devices. This not only gives us a better idea of what the true needs of the community are, but also ensures that the right resources are reaching the appropriate persons, without redundancy or lack. 

What we are beginning to see is a large shift in the number of people requesting devices and services.  In fact, we saw a 122.5% increase in tickets requesting assistance with purchasing affordable devices. We believe that “the word has gotten out” and so numbers will continue to climb.

Maintaining high standards of service

Our goal was to meet or exceed having at least 75% of our feedback as positive, with less than 50% of tickets “on hold” for any reason for any significant part of the year. And we were able to meet that goal!

We do recognize a flaw in the number, however. Feedback is done by a follow-up survey, and that survey is optional. As one might imagine, the actual rates for completing the survey are a bit low. This was disappointing, as it means we might not be getting a full picture of the impact our Digital Navigator services are having. Thus, one of our key goals moving into the next year will be to improve response rates, so that we can rest assured our service record is accurate.

The CDE is proud of the fact that, as we expand service, we have been focusing on service quality and have met all of our key results in this area.

Outlining the OLA/SLA process

This year, the CDE worked with the City and Spectrum to create an operating level agreement (OLA) to create standards around service delivery for residents. Spectrum, for their part, agreed to provide input and information on any community member we assisted with their program within a certain timeframe. Having established this baseline, we continue to have conversations around ways to further implement and improve this process. In the end, our goal is to improve the experience of “getting connected” for the residents while also finding more ways to serve.

All in all, the CDE remains dedicated to serving the community, and making the experiences of those we serve as easy and seamless as possible.

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