Digital Navigators assisting Charlotte area residents Digital Navigators assisting Charlotte area residents

Digital Navigator Service Tickets: Quick Stats

In fiscal year 2024, we increased our ticket volume by 17.7% from fiscal year 2023. Changes in the service types requested by residents may indicate a shift in priorities or needs, providing valuable leanings to bring into the CDE’s future work.

Previous Fiscal Year 2023 – Initial Report
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Previous Fiscal Year 2023 – Audited Report
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Fiscal Year 2024
July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Ticket Volume3,0503,0493,588
Sign ups for affordable home broadband1,9582,1421,782
Purchasing affordable technology7269632,143
Basic device and connectivity issues380409299
Learning new digital skills216219791
Calls made23,40023,40014,844
Events Supported3737160

Notes to keep in mind:

  • Residents can select multiple services in one support ticket. Thus, the number of service types requested will not equal the total number of tickets.
  • The CDE team committed to being physically in the community more in FY24. While increasing our events reduces the amount of time spent on the phone, the overall time supporting residents remains consistent.
  • Additionally, we discovered in FY24 that text messaging is a powerful communication tool that is often preferred by residents; thus many Digital Navigator interactions happened over text, rather than phone call and email.
  • Audits of the software housing Digital Navigator Service analytics are conducted annually. These annual data review periods may cause data in the previous fiscal year column to differ slightly from the initial printing of past Impact Reports.

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