Sherry Sample, Digital Navigator Program Director, assists resident.

Digital Navigator Services: Implementing Metrics that Help

The CDE measures the success of our Digital Navigator program with metrics such as response rate, and tickets closed. While these metrics are important to maintain accountability and measure impact, a deeper dive is sometimes needed to understand what is truly making a difference.

To this end, the CDE worked to streamline ticket workflows within our system so that we could better communicate with residents throughout the process. For example, we implemented a “waiting” status for tickets when residents are waiting to receive a device at a scheduled device distribution event. This allowed us to continue to compartmentalize each help type and address the more immediate needs. 

Likewise, the “waiting on partner” status allows us to see, at a glance, who we need to follow up with when certain joint initiatives are ready. A good example of this was when the Access Charlotte program was being expanded. The CDE identified people in the system who were waiting to enroll and were able to follow up with them when the expanded program was activated.

Why do these statuses matter? While the CDE strives to have a high rate of “closed” tickets as a way to measure impact, it is just as important to know why a lingering ticket has not closed—and to know precisely when a particular kind of follow-up is needed. These additions also support a better user experience for the resident, which in turn helps us provide higher quality customer service and build trust with every individual we support. The CDE continues to find meaningful new ways to analyze the effectiveness and impact of Digital Navigation support, with the hopes that a more detailed picture will emerge by the end of the fiscal year.

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