OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

The CDE maintains accountability by tracking a variety of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) related to each workstream. These OKRs are set out in the CDE’s Five Year Plan, and each OKR has its own “story” that is part of the overall Impact Report. Thus, the bulk of the Impact Report details activity within and towards the OKRs as defined in the Five Year Plan.

The OKRs for each workstream, and their related stories for the FY2024 Impact Report, are as follow:

Policy and Advocacy

OKR: Produce a collective vision with a Policy and Advocacy agenda through a participatory and collective process.

OKR: Redesign onboarding orientation to improve engagement and provide partners with valued experience

OKR: Champion cross-workstream collaboration and communication efforts to foster information-sharing and effective partnerships.

Data, Program Measurement, & Research

OKR: Continue development of a data dashboard to provide the community with a snapshot of ongoing digital equity work in Mecklenburg County.

OKR: Update the library of digital-equity resources, data summaries, and process of data analytics for a centralized view of information.

Device & Connectivity

OKR:  Create an on-demand supply of no-cost/low-cost devices for qualifying residents to increase the connectivity rate across Mecklenburg County.

OKR:  Create a continuous no-cost device diagnostic/repair service

OKR:  Develop local mechanisms and funding that support the most vulnerable (nine covered populations) in maintaining their internet service.

Digital Literacy and Skilling

OKR:  Develop and maintain relationships with partners to support the facilitation of place-based digital skilling services for the most vulnerable (covered populations).

OKR:  Publish version 1 of the Journey Map to reduce barriers in accessing digital resources.

OKR:  Develop a mechanism to reduce transportation barriers for participation in digital skilling classes

Digital Navigation

OKR:  Achieve high service quality for the most frequent inquiry types and community member backgrounds.

OKR:  Develop a regular schedule and host in-person “DN hour” events to ensure we are reaching the most vulnerable (all covered populations).

While the new digital-first format of the Impact report allows for free exploration according to visitor interests, we hope that this summary will helps those looking for a specific list of OKRs tied to each workstream.

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